One Half Inch Wide Reflective Tape – Online Store
1/2″ (One Half Inch) wide reflective tape is available in a flexible engineer grade which is an ASTM D4956 Type 1 material. This is the only type of reflective material that is available the 1/2″ width. Our other tapes are all 1″ and over. This tape is used to mark fire trucks and emergency vehicles, signs, safety helmets, tools, bollards, motorcycles, boats, cars, trucks and bicycles and more. The picture below shows the different colors that are available.
The narrow rolls are affordable and will work in applications that are too tight for wider tapes. Also, because of the narrow width the 1/2″ reflective tapes are able to bend to form curves when necessary.
1/2″ Reflective Engineer Grade Tape is available at

Steven Cole (Economics, MBA – University of West Florida , Business & Innovation – Stanford University) 25 years of experience in the reflective safety business. Specializing in accident reduction for vehicles through increased visibility.